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Calibration of Turbo Motor of Regioman Press

  1. Connect Service Laptop to RS 20 Switch (port no. 8)
  2. Open Hyper terminal window by entering correct IP address of Print Unit
  3. Hyper terminal window shows Telnet session
  4. Press Enter
  5. Hyper terminal window shows <Hindustan Times_DE1>
  6. OR
    1. Open Putty
    2. Select the Particular Unit which want to Calibrate
    3. Putty window shows <Hindustan Times_DE1>
  7. Type TWE to calibrate turbo box i.e. <Hindustan Times_DE1> TWE
  8. Press Enter
  9. Press C for Calibration and press Enter
  10. Window shows DWNR First_Motor Last_Motor ? (DWNR means Print couple number which we want to calibrate, to calibrate turbo box for couple number 4 for motors 1 to 4 then follow next step)
  11. DWNR First_Motor Last_Motor ? 4 1 4 (it indicates print couple number 4 and First_Motor is 1 and Last_Motor is 4. if we want to calibrate only motor number 1 then it should be 4 1 1)
  12. Press Enter
  13. Window shows TWE:Calibration Running
  14. After calibration finished window shows TWE:OK
  15. Press C to calibrate other turbo motor of same couple or different couple or Q to Quit telnet session