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Baumuller Error No. 722

Lack of pulse enable

If for a drive the synchronous running is to be monitored particularly (bit 9 is set in the parameter ID700 "Antriebstyp"), switch-off by erasing the hardware signal “pulse enable” can mean an error. This error is generated in order to make it easier to search for the cause. In order to avoid unnecessary messages during regular switch-off, the monitoring only becomes active when the desired rotational speed (ID519) has left the value of the standstill window (ID764).

The following are possible causes:

Contact problems in the feed line / line terminal 
Fault in an upstream component (bus terminal, timing module, etc.) 
Field bus faults in transmitting the IF signal 
Switch command from the safety SPS precedes the process control (operational fault, signal transit times in the control system) 

Setting of the controller enable is prevented. This means that the drive is not ready for operation. After the cause of the error has been rectified, the error can be acknowledged at the control stand.