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Baumuller Error No. 722

Lack of pulse enable

If for a drive the synchronous running is to be monitored particularly (bit 9 is set in the parameter ID700 "Antriebstyp"), switch-off by erasing the hardware signal “pulse enable” can mean an error. This error is generated in order to make it easier to search for the cause. In order to avoid unnecessary messages during regular switch-off, the monitoring only becomes active when the desired rotational speed (ID519) has left the value of the standstill window (ID764).

The following are possible causes:

Contact problems in the feed line / line terminal 
Fault in an upstream component (bus terminal, timing module, etc.) 
Field bus faults in transmitting the IF signal 
Switch command from the safety SPS precedes the process control (operational fault, signal transit times in the control system) 

Setting of the controller enable is prevented. This means that the drive is not ready for operation. After the cause of the error has been rectified, the error can be acknowledged at the control stand.

Baumullar Error No. 37

Axle is overloaded (overcurrent)/Motor I2t monitoring 

The error is triggered if the current motor current is continuously larger than the motor’s rated current. This monitoring protects the motor from thermal overload. It is based on a thermal motor model. Monitoring is activated via the parameter ID43 'Overload Ax_Mask'. The overload threshold is specified in parameter ID44 'Overload [Ax]'. Parameter ID45 'Number Overload [Ax]' specified how many remaining time cycles the overload threshold has to pass in order for an error message to be triggered. The length of the remaining time cycles is not a fixed period and is highly dependent on the processes currently running in the main processor (DSP). The duration of the remaining time cycles can be read out via the parameter ID8 "remaining time".

The error is triggered if the I2t value ID59 "Monit.Motor I2t value" reaches the limit value entered in parameter ID58 "Mon.M. I2t threshold". The I2t value is a measure of the thermal motor load with respect to the nominal values. The I2t value is initialised by the motor temperature measured via the motor temperature sensor (KTY sensor). The error is signalled to the primary control. If the primary control switches the drive controller off, renewed release of the drive controller is prevented until the cause of the error is corrected and the error acknowledged.

Source and Remedy 
All malfunctions, which in some way or other result in the motor temperature value being too high can trigger the error if I2t monitoring has activated (even during deactivated releases). Check the KTY motor temperature sensor, check the connection lead, if the motor is cold check the displayed motor temperature ID1682 "MT temperature" (ambient temperature expected). 
A defective KTY sensor can lead to incorrect initialisation of the I2t value. Check the KTY sensor and KTY sensor cable and replace if necessary. 
Incorrect parameterisation of the I2t monitoring. Check the parameter ID469 "Nominal field current", ID470 "Nom.Mom.Strom", ID468 "Field current", ID462 "Max.Mom.Current", ID57 
"Motor time constants", ID58 "Mon.M. threshold". 
The motor is mechanically overloaded. Check mechanical load and reduce if possible. Malfunctions in the motor commutation or in the actual position 
acquisition (rotary encoder) can lead to malcommutation. This can cause a sharp rise in power demand. 
Carry out BA22 stop angle run and ensure that the drive can freely rotate. 
Check actual position acquisition, i.e. (absolute) rotary encoder and parameterisation of the pick-up evaluation, replace rotary encoder if necessary.

Baumuller Error No. 565

Power section fault current / earth fault monitoring

The ready for service of the power section is monitored in the M drive during software controller release. The earth fault current of the power section is monitored in order to detect a motor earth fault. The error message is generated if the fault current exceeds 20% of the permissible peak current of the power section. The error is fatal and leads to immediate shutoff of the drive controller. In this case the drive coasts to a standstill. Renewed release of the drive by the controller is prevented until the cause of the error has been corrected and the error has been acknowledged.

Source and  Remedy 
The earth-fault can occur in the motor, in the motor cable or in the brake resistor resp. its incoming cable. Find defective device and replace it.

Baumuller Error No. 120

Maximum signal amplitude exceeded

The error is triggered by the pick-up monitoring module if the amplitude of the rotary encoder tracking signals (sin/cos signals) are larger than the limit value given in parameter ID285 "G-Mon.maxValue[Ax]. Monitoring is activated by bit 0 in the parameter ID280 "G-Mon.Command Ax" and can trigger a fatal error if bit 0 is set in the parameter ID282 "G-Mon.error_mask".

The limit value ID284 is set automatically if bit 1 is activate in parameter ID280 "G-Mon.Command Ax". Sin/cos signals with over-large amplitudes lead to poorer controller performance, because the AD transformers are overmodulated and the sin/cos rotary encoder behaves like a square-wave incremental encoder with a correspondingly lower resolution. Under unfavourable conditions, sin/cos signals with an over-large offset lead to an incorrect actual position. In this case, rotation in positional synchronism is no longer possible. In the case of synchronous motors, malcommutation also results.

The amplitude of the sin/cos signals is measured by calculating the measured value "m” as follows:
m = sin^2 + cos^2.
The measured value “m” is displayed in parameter ID2362 "G-Mon measured value". For ideal sin/cos signals the measured value must always be constant, for real signals the measured value should lie within certain limits.

The error response time can be parameterised in parameter ID2366 "G-Ue response time". The higher the response time, the more robust the monitoring is against malfunctions, however the longer the switch-off time too in case of errors.

The error is fatal and leads to immediate shutoff of the drive controller. In this case the drive coasts to a standstill. Renewed release of the drive by the controller is prevented until the cause of the error has been corrected and the error has been acknowledged.

Source and Remedy 

Strong interfering signals can lead to an error being triggered by the rotary encoder track monitoring. Check the shielding of the rotary encoder cable. 
A short circuit between the signal leads and the supply line of the rotary encoder can lead to overmodulated sin/cos signals. Check the rotary encoder lead for short circuits 
In all Heidenhain rotary encoders, a defective 5V sense line can lead to the automatic rotary encoder detection assuming a Stegmann rotary encoder and therefore switching the supply voltage to 8V. In this case, the usual result is that the SMD fuses of the hardware circuit blow (error 117/121). In rare cases the signals are very highly overmodulated and the parameter ID113 "evaluation mode " is switched to value 4. In this case the rotary encoder lead should be renewed. 
Defective rotary encoder. Replace rotary encoder. 
Defective rotary encoder input to the rotary encoder evaluation (hardware) in the M drive. Replace M Drive.

Baumuller Error No. 4

Link module error, duplicate or wrong ID

A duplicate or wrongly assigned Parameter ID was detected on starting the controller software program. This error is used for diagnosis during software development. The error does not occur during operation.
The controller software is not started correctly. The drive controller cannot be released. No acknowledgement possible.

Source and Remedy 
The controller software was wrongly generated or saved. Replace the controller software.

MICE Settings on control desk of Regioman Press

 Management network Mice switch , following IP address has to be given to the laptop .

Open internet explorer or Mozilla firefox  and input the IP address for that particular Mice switch LS1….LS2….LS3….LS4….LS5 ……..etc .

Login ID : admin , Password : private , Language : English

Configuration page will be Open .

Open diagnostic and Open signal contact

Open signal contact

Open Manual settings

Select closed button on manual settings

Press set button on signal contact 1

Repeat the procedure from 6 to 9 for signal contact 2

Open load/save option and select save button 

Baumuller Error No. 502

Communication has failed between the primary control and SDC or MDS

The SDC or MDS does not receive any data from the primary control. As the corresponding VL is no longer operated this VL is braked with secure hold

Source and  Remedy 
Sercos ring for primary control has failed. 
Identifier: Fallen or severed optical fibre
Reinstate optical fibre link 
Ethernet communication with primary control has failed. 
Identifier: The green LED on connector X39 (ETH0) is off or the Link LED on the switch is off.
Check the Ethernet connector on the M drive and at the switch and or replace the Ethernet cable. 
ETHERNET connection with control: The ETHERNET switches run in half-duplex operation. This can lead to increased collisions. Automatic configuration of the switches can cause this case. 
Identifier: Ethernet switch is configured for half-duplex
Manual setting to full duplex operation. 
ETHERNET connection with control: The MAC addresses in the system are not clear. This causes the telegrams to be incorrectly routed, which means loss of telegrams for individual subscribers. [From MDS with the serial number 0114 xxxx the MAX is configured in the serial EEPROM of the controller cassettes by the manufacturer. Problems can occur if several flash cards on an MDS configured in this way are pre-recoded and saved with parameters and are then slotted into an unconfigured MDS.] Check the parameters ID1461 and ID1462. Written together as 6 byte value, each address may only occur once in the ETHERNET.
Replace the controller cassette
Change over the parameterised values of the ID1462 
Primary control has failed: The sign-of-life monitoring with the primary control must toggle the handshake bit in the control word within a parameterizable time. 
Identifier: Failure of all functions carried out by this primary control.
Check primary control 
Sign-of-life monitoring with primary control is incorrectly (too small) parameterised. 
Identifier: The parameter 1010 CommTimeout (for MDS) or SIS timeout (for SDC) is incorrectly parameterised.
Set parameter 1010 to correct value.

How to fill the scholarship form for 2014-2015

Open following site

Bellow Window Open

Click on
For New Registration And Application Of 2014-2015 Click Here

Bellow Window Open and create a New Account by filling required feild.

Click on Create User, then bellow Window open

Click on Update Profile, then bellow Window open.

Fill the above form and save it, Take a print out from following window.

Click on Print Application Form to take a print out or save in Computer.

Baumuller Error No. 1000

USS - communication with axis not possible

The diagnostic system cyclically scanns the error storage of the individual drives. If the communication to one of the drives cannot be set up, this is signalled via the error number 1000.
No effect on machine control Only display at diagnostic system

Source and Remedy 
Error only at one controller:
Incorrect controller parameterisation Check controller parameter set:
USS Basic address (ID 329)
USS No. of Axles (ID 316) )

Error only at one controller:
Cable connection interrupted Check connection cable 
Connected connector on controller side (X23A and X23B) 
Connector connected on SDC side (X5) 
Connector connected to conversion module 

Error only at one controller: Wrong configuration in the diagnosis system Check configuration data (BAS) 
Error at several controllers: Cable connection interrupted Check the complete cable branch. The error lies between the last controller whose communications are running and the first controller with interrupted communication 
Error at several controllers: Wrong port address at diagnosis system Check configuration data (BAS) 

CG Drive Trip Errors, Causes and Remedies

Sr. No.
DC bus under voltage
Low AC supply voltage
Low DC bus voltage when supplied by an external DC power supply
DC bus over voltage
Deceleration rate set too fast for the inertia of the machine
Mechanical load driving the motor
Drive output instantaneous over current
Insufficient ramp times
Phase to phase or phase to ground short circuit on the drives output
Drive requires autotuning to the motor
Motor or motor connections changed, re-autotune drive to motor
Braking resistor instantaneous over current
Excessive braking current in braking resistor
Braking resistor value too small
Over speed

Excessive motor speed (typically caused by mechanical load driving the motor)
Auto tune stopped before
Run command removed before autotune complete
I2t on braking resistor
Excessive braking resistor energy
I2t on drive output current
Excessive mechanical load
High impedance phase to phase or phase to ground short  circuit at drive output
Drive requires re-autotuning to motor
IGBT over heat based on drives  thermal model
Overheat software thermal model
Over heat based on drives heatsink
Heatsink temperature exceeds allowable maximum
Motor thermistor trip
Excessive motor temperature
User +24V or digital output overload
Excessive load or short circuit on +24V output
Drive over-heat based on thermal model
Overheat software thermal model
Power module rectifier over  temperature
Power module rectifier temperature exceeds allowable maximum
Analog input 1 current mode, current loss
Input current less than 3mA when 4-20 or 20-4mA modes selected
Serial communications loss time-out
Loss of communication when drive is under remote control
Internal drive EEPROM trip
Possible loss of parameter values

Input phase imbalance or input phase loss
One of the input phases has become disconnected from the drive (applies to 200/400V three phase drives only, not dual rated drives)
Failure to measure motors stator resistance
Motor too small for drive
Motor cable disconnected during measurement
Trip initiated from the control word
Control word has initiated a trip
SmartStick data error
Bad connection or memory corrupt within SmartStick
SmartStick data does not exist
New/empty SmartStick being read
SmartStick read/write fail
Bad connection or faulty SmartStick
SmartStick/drive rating change
Already programmed SmartStick read by a drive of a different rating
Overload on current loop input
Input current exceeds 25mA
Hardware faults
Internal drive hardware fault (see the Advanced User Guide)

Sr. No.
I x t overload (I = current, t = time)
Reduce motor current (Load)
Heatsink/IGBT temperature high
Reduce ambient temperature or reduce motor current
Braking resistor overload
See Menu 10 in the Advanced User Guide
Drive is in current limit
See Menu 10 in the Advanced User Guide
Failed attempt to read stick
An attempt has been made to read the stick when the drive was not disabled or tripped, or the stick is read-only