By Key Pad
- Press Program key
- Press Left Arrow(user mode) key
- Press Up Arrow (code list) key
- Press Right Arrow(enter) key
- Use Up and Down Arrow keys to see different parameters
- To change parameters first go to parameter no. C002
- Initially the C002 parameter is always 1. if we want to change the parameters, then first we have to make C002 as 0 otherwise it does not allow to change parameters.
- But be careful because once we make C002 as 0, all the parameters in the drive goes to factory set values. i.e. default values
- Then go to the parameters we want to change as per our requirement (press “Shift + Program” key for fast switching between parameters)
- Press Program key to set new value( set new values using Up and Down Arrow keys)
- To save the new value press “Shift + Program” key, then OK message appears on the display.
- Again press program key to return to last menu
- After changing all parameters, go to C003 parameter
- Make C003 parameter as 1 to save and load all changes we made.
By Laptop
1. Connect LECOM to drive and RS232 cable to Laptop | |
2. Connect 24 Vdc supply to connector no. 39(-) and 59(+) | |
3. Open GDC ( Global Drive Controller) software from desktop | |
4. It starts searching, 'IF not' Press F4 and then F2, select search | |
Automatically reading parameter from drive | |
5. Short commissioning 93XX window open | |
6. Select code list | |
7. Select Drive parameters and select write all parameters set to "File" | |
8. Type file name e.g. 05ngr1.GDC and check the saving path. | |
9. Press OK | |
10.Select F4 before quit the program GDC | |
11.Please check saved file in saving path positon. | |
1. Connect LECOM to drive and RS232 cable to Laptop | |
2. Connect 24 Vdc supply to connector no. 39(-) and 59(+) | |
3. Open GDC ( Global Drive Controller) software from desktop | |
4. It starts searching, 'IF not' Press F4 and then F2, select search | |
Automatically reading parameter from drive | |
5. Short commissioning 93XX window open | |
6. Select Drive parameters and select read all parameter set from file | |
7. Read parameter set from file window open, select the file to be load, press OK | |
8. GDC warning window open, Press Yes, Code list display on window | |
9. Select drive parameters and select write all parameter set to drive | |
10. Warning parameter set transfer window open, Press OK | |
11. Transfer variant selection-parameter set to drive window open | |
12. Press exchange unit | |
13. Parametersatztransfer window open | |
14. Start writing parameter to drive, after finish | |
15. Press F4 | |
16. Close GDC | |
17. OFF/ON the power of drive | |