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How to Make Programming of Lenze Drive 9300 Series

By Key Pad

  1. Press Program key
  2. Press Left Arrow(user mode) key
  3. Press Up Arrow (code list) key
  4. Press Right Arrow(enter) key
  5. Use Up and Down Arrow keys to see different parameters
  6. To change parameters first go to parameter no. C002
  7. Initially the C002 parameter is always 1. if we want to change the parameters, then first we have to make C002 as 0 otherwise it does not allow to change parameters.
  8. But be careful because once we make C002 as 0, all the parameters in the drive goes to factory set values. i.e. default values
  9. Then go to the parameters we want to change as per our requirement (press “Shift + Program” key for fast switching between parameters)
  10. Press Program key to set new value( set new values using Up and Down Arrow keys)
  11. To save the new value press “Shift + Program” key, then OK message appears on the display.
  12. Again press program key to return to last menu
  13. After changing all  parameters, go to C003 parameter
  14. Make C003 parameter as 1 to save and load all changes we made.

By Laptop


1.  Connect LECOM to drive and RS232 cable to Laptop

2.  Connect 24 Vdc supply to connector no. 39(-) and 59(+)

3.  Open GDC ( Global Drive Controller) software from desktop

4.  It starts searching, 'IF not' Press F4 and then F2, select search

     Automatically reading parameter from drive

5.  Short commissioning 93XX window open

6.  Select code list

7.  Select Drive parameters and select write all parameters set to "File"

8.  Type file name e.g. 05ngr1.GDC and check the saving path.

9.  Press OK

10.Select F4 before quit the program GDC

11.Please check saved file in saving path positon.


1.  Connect LECOM to drive and RS232 cable to Laptop

2.  Connect 24 Vdc supply to connector no. 39(-) and 59(+)

3.  Open GDC ( Global Drive Controller) software from desktop

4.  It starts searching, 'IF not' Press F4 and then F2, select search

     Automatically reading parameter from drive

5.  Short commissioning 93XX window open

6.  Select Drive parameters and select read all parameter set from file

7.  Read parameter set from file window open, select the file to be load, press      OK

8.  GDC warning window open, Press Yes, Code list display on window

9.  Select drive parameters and select write all parameter set to drive

10. Warning parameter set transfer window open, Press OK

11. Transfer variant selection-parameter set to drive window open
12. Press exchange unit

13. Parametersatztransfer window open

14. Start writing parameter to drive, after finish

15. Press F4

16. Close GDC

17. OFF/ON the power of drive