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Infeed Dancer Roller Encoder Sensor Setting of Regioman Press

Replacement of Dancer Roller Sensor

  1. Switch Off Power
  2. Remove Encoder Sensor
  3. Connect new Encoder Sensor
  4. While connecting make sure that the position of new encoder sensor should be zero. ( Red mark on Shaft and outside body should face to face) Place the dancer at the center.
  5. Switch ON power
  6. As soon as the actual value is showing zero tight the sensor body
  7. Go to Setting menu on Touch screen
  8. Select EPC Testing (password-132) and press Enter
  9. Make Test EPC/dancer roller option as EPC_active using +, - keys)
  10. Select EPC dancer infeed option (we can increase or decrease value using +,-)
  11. The actual value of  encoder sensor is always shown in Dancer Infeed option
  12. To change actual value by moving 100% screw on the encoder sensor and check zero setting by increasing or decreasing EPC dancer infeed  value between 0 to 1.5 and also check actual value simultaneously , it should  be in the range of +10 to -10
  13. If the actual value showing out of range it means that the encoder sensor is not at its zero position then try to make its zero position by moving 100% and 0% screws on the encoder sensor, Even if it is not possible to set zero position or the voltage range is till out of range( i.e. +10 to -10) then loosen the encoder sensor and move the sensor body slightly and check actual value. Check by multimeter at terminal 1 & 2 of X6
  14. Check the voltage range, if it is showing within +10 and -10 range then its OK
  15. If it is showing out of range then adjust by moving 0% screw slowly.
  16. As soon as the voltage is within the range, Calibration finished.