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Procedure of PH Calibration of Technotrans

  1. Press and Hold the ? button for 5 sec (Till screen is changed).
  2. Press F2, then Press F5.
  3. Calibration screen opens at the unit control system.
  4. Remove, Clean and dry the PH probe.
  5. Immerse the PH probe into buffer solution PH 4.
  6. Press F4 to start the calibration, A PH value of 4.0 is displayed.
  7. Press the Enter key to confirm the value.
  8. Remove, Clean and dry the PH probe.
  9. Immerse the PH probe into buffer solution PH 7.
  10. Press F4 again, A PH value of 7.0 is displayed.
  11. Press the Enter key to confirm the value.
  12. Press F4 again to come out of calibration.
  13. Press F5- Calibration completed.