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Downloading Program to Main PLC CP260 of Muller Martini

Downloading Program to Main PLC CP260

  1. Connect Laptop to PLC using RS-232 cable.

  1. Open Download Tool Software that is saved in laptop.

  1. Click On Open Project option and select “NGR 3_13.dip” file and press OK.

  1. Path for NGR 3_13.dip file :- C:\Daten\MMVZ\DLT\CFG.

  1. Computer will ask for disk drive ¾.

  1. Insert floppy disk ¾ and Press OK and wait for next message.

  1. Computer will ask for disk drive 4/4.

  1. Insert floppy disk 4/4 and Press OK, wait till computer finishes copying data from floppy.

  1. Set Entry Point as “MainControl”.

  1. Set Scheme as “UserDefined”.

  1. Check Interface should be “Local”.

  1. Click on Set Scheme button.

  1. Select first three options i.e. ( first select and then press mouse right button).

@ Main Control

@ Delivery Unit Controller 1

@ Delivery Unit Controller 2

     Press “Set” button

  1. Press Execute button.

  1. After pressing Execute button Program downloading starts from computer to PLC. It may take 1 hour(approx.).