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How to Latching the Encoder of Motor of Regioman Press

Latching Procedure:
        1. Switch Off M Drive power (24 V) from drive cabinet
        2. Disconnect Encoder connector from M Drive
        3. Hold roller from other side and remove Encoder
        4. Connect New Encoder and encoder connector
        5. Switch ON power
        6. Go to Baudis PC and restart sercos ring (MLC Section)
        7. Go to the Drive cabinet and Connect Calibration keypad
        8. Switch ON test mode for particular drive
        9. On Calibration keypad, orange light indicates no safe stop and green   light indicates safe stop
        10. Press button for Latch position (bottom button) - sound comes and button light starts flashing
        11. After some time press latch button again
        12. After some time light on latch button goes Off –it means latching finished
        13. Switch of the selector switch and remove the calibration panel