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Baumuller Error No. 566

Power section error auxiliary voltage supply

The auxiliary voltage supply is monitored and generates an error message if undervoltage occurs. The error is fatal and leads to immediate shutoff of the drive controller. In this case the drive coasts to a standstill. Renewed release of the drive by the controller is prevented until the cause of the error has been corrected and the error has been acknowledged. The error can be acknowledged at the control centre after the cause of the error has been corrected.

Source and Remedy 
Check the voltage supply of the auxiliary voltage

Baumuller Error No. 567

Power section overtemperature

The power section is blocked if the power section exceeds the switch-off temperature specified via the parameter ID1658 in the current controller. The error is fatal and leads to immediate shutoff of the drive controller. In this case the drive coasts to a standstill. Renewed release of the drive by the controller is prevented until the cause of the error has been corrected and the error has been acknowledged.
The error can be acknowledged at the control centre after the cause of the error has been corrected.

Source and Remedy 
Check function of power section fan.

Baumuller Error No. 26

EEPROM access error, wrong address

The error is triggered by the "data record management" module, if read or write access to the special parameter in emulated EEPROM is to take place on the flash card, but the access address lies outside the special parameter’s memory area.
Access to the special parameter occurs if the value entered for parameter ID21 „DSV-Mode“ is 0 or 2.. The required address is selected via the parameter ID25 "EEPROM address" and the value read or written with ID26 "EEPROM Date". The M0 Offset is e.g. a special parameter in the emulated EEPROM
The error is signalled to the primary control. If the primary control switches the drive controller off, renewed release of the drive controller is prevented until the cause of the error is corrected and the error acknowledged.
The error can be acknowledged at the control centre after the cause of the error has been corrected.

Source and Remedy 
Memory area for special parameter not found, wrong address Delete all parameters and special parameters on the flash card, load new data records and save. If this fails, replace flash card. 

Baumuller Error No. 5

Link module error

Creation of a parameter incorrectly terminated on starting the controller software program. This error is used for diagnosis during software development. The error does not occur during operation.

The controller software will not be started correctly. The drive controller cannot be released. Acknowledge after error correction:

Source and Remedy 
The controller software was wrongly generated or saved. Replace the controller software.