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Baumuller Error No. 200

 SERCOS slave has no cyclical communication

The data between the master/control and the slave (drive controller) is cyclically swapped via the SERCOS drive ring. The function of this communication is monitored via a “sign-of-life” exchange. This error is generated if this sign-of-life is missing for more than a timeout period. 
Note: The monitoring is not activated by the master / controls until after the first activation of the sign-of-life exchange.
The drive is braked with a secured hold and is independently switched off on coming to a standstill. (If the parameter ID 557 “SH setpoint acc.[Ax]” is zero or if the drive is not on the set safety braking ramp after 1.5-times the time, it is also independently switched off.)

Source and Remedy 
Control function (temporarily) faulty Reinstate the control function (restart, switch back on, etc.) 
Function of the drive master faulty (e.g. SDC / MDS) Reinstate the function of the drive master (restart, switch back on, etc.) 
Communication between the controls and the master is physically interrupted. Reinstate the connection 
Only for SDC: The active bit (bit index 0) of the corresponding drive control parameter has been deleted The control – drive connection has been logically disconnected. The drive-control parameter must be reinstated. 
Communication between the master and drive is physically interrupted. Reinstate the connection 
The phase run-up in the drive ring has be re-triggered. Wait until the drive ring is ready for service again (SERCOS phase 4 and reached synchronicity). 
The successor in the drive ring has switched to the SERCOS redundancy input. The slave telegrams sent out therefore no longer reach the master. After correcting the error, the ring has to be restarted (see documentation or BAUDIS web tool on SERCOS restart). 
The SERCOS hardware of the drive slave is faulty. Replace the controller cassette.

Baumuller Error No. 117

Error, no pick-up available

The error is triggered by the pick-up monitoring module if the amplitude of the rotary encoder tracking signals (sin/cos signals) is less than 5%. Sin/cos signals with an amplitude that is too small can lead to an incorrect actual position. In this case, rotation in positional synchronism is no longer possible. In the case of synchronous motors, malcommutation also results.
The amplitude of the sin/cos signals is measured by calculating the measured value "m” as follows:
m = sin^2 + cos^2.
The measured value “m” is displayed in parameter ID2362 "G-Mon measured value". For ideal sin/cos signals the measured value must always be constant, for real signals the measured value should lie within certain limits.
The error response time can be parameterised in parameter ID2366 "G-Ue response time". The higher the response time, the more robust the monitoring is against malfunctions, however the longer the switch-off time too in case of errors.

The error is fatal and leads to immediate shutoff of the drive controller. In this case the drive coasts to a standstill. Renewed release of the drive by the controller is prevented until the cause of the error has been corrected and the error has been acknowledged.

Source and Remedy 
Rotary encoder lead defective. Check the rotary encoder cable and replace if necessary. 
Rotary encoder connector at the rotary encoder or the M drive is loose or disconnected. Check plug-in connectors. 
Rotary encoder defective. Replace rotary encoder. 
Rotary encoder input of the rotary encoder evaluation (hardware) in the M drive is defective. Replace M Drive. 

Baumuller Error No. 35

Negative maximum speed exceeded.

This error message is triggered by the diagnosis module if the current motor speed ID487 "Speed Visu. [Ax]" is less than the negative limit value entered in the Parameter ID47 "neg.max.speed[Ax]".
The rotary encoder used for monitoring the negative maximum speed is always the one used for the motor commutation. If the negative limit speed value is to be given for the load, a gear unit may possibly have to be taken into consideration, after acknowledging the error, the rotary encoder is reinitialised and if necessary the home position run is restarted.

The error is fatal and leads to immediate shutoff of the drive controller. In this case the drive coasts to a standstill. Renewed release of the drive by the controller is prevented until the cause of the error has been corrected and the error has been acknowledged.

Source and Remedy 
Incorrect parameterisation of the negative limit speed value or gearing factor between the motor and load incorrectly taken into account when parameterizing the positive limit speed value. Check the parameter ID47 "neg.max.speed.[Ax]". 
A malfunction in the motor commutation of synchronous motors can lead to incorrect commutation. The drive then possibly revs up to maximum speed after receiving the controller releases and shuts down with overspeed.
Carry out new stop angle run and ensure that the drive can move freely throughout. Check the actual position recorded (rotary encoder ). 
Setpoint speed specified by the controls is too high. Check setpoint values! 
Recording of actual speed value faulty or wrongly parameterised. 
Check the parameter ID88 "pick-up PPR count [ax]", ID112 "Pick-up active [ax]". Replace rotary encoder. 

Baumuller Error No. 34

Positive maximum speed exceeded

This error message is triggered by the diagnosis module if the current motor speed ID487 "Speed Visu. [Ax]" exceeds the positive limit value entered in the Parameter ID46 "pos.max.speed[Ax]".
The rotary encoder used for monitoring the positive maximum speed is always the one used for the motor commutation. If the positive limit speed value is to be given for the load, a gear unit may possibly have to be taken into consideration, after acknowledging the error, the rotary encoder is reinitialised and if necessary the home position run is restarted.

The error is fatal and leads to immediate shutoff of the drive controller. In this case the drive coasts to a standstill. Renewed release of the drive by the controller is prevented until the cause of the error has been corrected and the error has been acknowledged.

Source and Remedy 
Incorrect parameterisation of the positive limit speed value or gearing factor between the motor and load incorrectly taken into account when parameterizing the positive limit speed value. Check the parameter ID46 "pos.max.speed.[Ax]". 
A malfunction in the motor commutation of synchronous motors can lead to malcommutation. The drive then possibly revs up to maximum speed after receiving the controller releases and shuts down with overspeed. 
Carry out new stop angle run and ensure that the drive can move freely throughout. Check the actual position recorded (rotary encoder ). 
Setpoint speed specified by the controls is too high. Check setpoint values! 
Recording of actual speed value faulty or wrongly parameterised. 
Check the parameter ID88 "pick-up PPR count [ax]", ID112 "Pick-up active [ax]". Replace rotary encoder.